Subsystems Deployment
All the Haystack components are released as Docker images on the Docker Hub:-
Component | Repository |
haystack-ui | |
haystack-agent | |
haystack-trace-indexer | |
haystack-trace-reader | |
haystack-timeseries-aggregator | |
haystack-kinesis-span-collector | |
haystack-span-timeseries-transformer | |
haystack-pipes-http-poster | |
haystack-pipes-kafka-producer | |
haystack-pipes-json-transformer | |
Clone the ExpediaDotCom/haystack repository and run the
script, as documented in the next section.
From the root of the location to which haystack has been cloned:
./deployment/terraform/ -a install
will install required third party software, start the minikube and install all haystack components in dev mode.
Installed components
The list of components that get installed in dev mode can be found in k8s/compose/dev.yaml
. 'dev' is a logic name of an environment;
you can create addition files in the compose
subdirectory for different environments such as staging, test, or production. Specify the environment to the install script with the '-e' option. The script uses dev
as the default environment if none is specified.
Haystack Namespace
script deploys the Haystack components for a given environment under a dedicated namespace. Namespaces are named using the pattern, haystack-<environment name>
Deploying on AWS
This script does not create or delete the Kubernetes cluster, whether local (using Minikube) or on AWS. We recommend that you use open source tools like kops to manage your cluster on AWS. Once you have your cluster up and running, configure the 'kubectl' to point to your cluster.
If using kops, the command:
kops export kubecfg <name of your cluster> --state s3://<state_store_bucket_name>
will update the kubectl config.json with your cluster context. After that, the command:
kubectl config get-contexts
list all the available contexts. Choose your cluster context, and deploy Haystack with:
./deployment/terraform/ -a install -e test --use-context <context-name>
Please note the default context for all environments will be minikube. This is done intentionally to safeguard developers from pushing their local dev changes to other environments.
By default, we install addons for monitoring with (heapster), logging with the (Kubernetes ElasticSearch add-on), and a reverse proxy called Traefik. The reverse proxy helps us to bind an external load balancer (ELB on AWS) to just one nodePort assigned to Traefik. All other components like haystack-ui, Grafana and Kibana can be mounted within Traefik.
Please note that a UI component can be mounted on Traefik with Host rules, where you need to provide a different CNAME for each UI component. However you can avoid Traefik completely and deploy UI components as a service in Kubernetes with 'LoadBalancer' or 'NodePort' type
How to access Grafana and the Traefik dashboard locally
Use the following command to discover the CNAME record for the Minikube:
echo "$(minikube ip) haystack.local" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
Use the hostname assigned to the Minikube by that CNAME record to access the Traefik dashboard at:
and Grafana at:
App Configs
Every Haystack service or component will be bundled with some default configurations to run on Kubernetes. You can override the default configurations as follows:
You provide overrides specific to a given environment, by changing the configuration file for the appropriate environment.
You can also add components for a given environment by editing the files in the k8s/compose/
You then mount them inside the container using Kubernetes' ConfigMaps.
Scheduled Jobs
We run scheduled jobs to remove the old indices created on ElasticSearch for logs collected by Fluentd. However, in order to preserve possible debugging data, we do not set up an index removal job in the dev environment.
Verify haystack components
Once scripts gets completed,
kubectl get deployments --namespace=haystack-<env>
will show the components that are running. '--namespace' is not required if you are deploying on minikube. We create a new context
One of the Haystack components is Kafka, and you can interact with it in the usual ways. For example, if you have kafkacat installed, you can start a command line producer with
kafkacat -P -b $(minikube ip):9092 -t test
From that command line producer, type some text, followed by the "Return" key. Then, in another terminal, start a command line consumer:
kafkacat -C -b $(minikube ip):9092 -t test
to see the text you gave to the producer.
To uninstall all haystack components:
./deployment/terraform/ -a uninstall
To learn more about
, type :
./deployment/terraform/ --help
and by looking at the