Blobs are a way to store any form of data for future need, typically with the request or response data of a service. When used with Haystack, the metadata of a blob is stored in the tag of a span, which is used for reading the blob in the future.
Normally, sending too many tags with a span can strain a tracing infrastructure and greatly increase costs. With blobs, clients can include a much larger volume of information with spans, with retention rates kept separate from Haystack spans.
Using blobs with the Haystack agent
Haystack agent has a blob provider that listens as a gRPC server and accepts protobuf blobs from clients. The blob agent supports the S3 dispatcher to send the blobs to a S3 bucket. You can set up the agent with the following configuration:
agents {
spans {
enabled = true
port = 35000
dispatchers {
// configure dispatchers
ossblobs {
enabled = true
port = 35001 = 512
dispatchers {
s3 {
keep.alive = true
max.outstanding.requests = 150
should.wait.for.upload = true
max.connections = 50
retry.count = 1 = "haystack-blobs"
region = "us-east-1"
aws.access.key = "accessKey"
aws.secret.key = "secretKey"
An example of blobs and Haystack integrated together is viewable here. Another blob integration example is included with haystack-docker, with more information available in the getting started instructions.
Blobs with Zipkin-style spans
Blobs are compatible with Zipkin spans as well when used in conjunction with Pitchfork. Example is coming soon.